R & D Projects

MOTION Hellas is co-operating closely with Universities and European companies in order to solve actual problems and to establish a long term collaboration in EU. Apart from the co-operation with the European Commission, Directorate General on Environment Xl, X, XVI, XXIII, XXIV, MOTION Hellas has strong relationships with enterprises and organisations that face information technology problems and present full time and part time members of MOTION Hellas have expertise, know-how and experience in R&D programs.
The expertise includes participation in European RECITE II, ΕSPRIT, DRIVE, BRITE/EURAM, SPRINT, TIDE) National programmes such as ESPRIT HELLENIC SPECIAL ACTION, MENTOR, PAVE, RETEX, ΕPΕΤ.
We present some projects in which MOTION Hellas participates:

Integrated System For Collection, Transportation, Treatment and Optimized Materials Recovery From End Of Life Tyres.
Smart Recovery of materials and upgrade of organic Compost & RDF in existing Mechanical Biological Treatment Plants by using NIR technology
Thermal Exploitation of Refused Derived Fuel

Optimum Process Control & Management System For MBT Plant
An Integrated System For The Optimal Management & Control Of The Waste Recycling Process
27 SMEs 2009